Mission & Vision


The Bedford Hills Free Library envisions a future when residents and families from all ages and backgrounds are well-informed, resourceful, knowledgeable, productive, and engaged in our community.


Our mission is to provide equal and uncensored access to cultural, educational, recreational, information and services, as well as to offer programs that enhance learning, creativity, engagement, and responsible citizenship.

Organizational Goals 

  1. Instill a love of reading, learning, imagination, and connection for children and families.
  2. Stimulate lifelong learning, creative pursuits, and social engagement for adults and seniors.
  3. Strengthen connections among Bedford Hills' various community groups and residents of all backgrounds to facilitate dialogue and the sharing of needs and ideas.
  4. Celebrate our hamlet's culturally and economically diverse population (both historically and today) as a unique strength fostering the positive role our Library plays in supporting all our residents.
  5. Guide patrons in navigating our collection of materials, information sources, and new technologies.
  6. Expand our Library space to include gathering spaces, areas for quiet study, better access to library materials and computers, and solid safety standards.
  7. Establish an organizational infrastructure to support expanded community needs and library offerings.